IF:Pray 2015

Monday, October 5, 2015

In September, a few dozen women gathered by a lake, just before sunset, to pray. For our people, churches, neighbors, communities, and the world. Every person is going through something and this chilly Monday night in September was our time to acknowledge not only each others struggles, but the struggles of those we've never met. We were joined by women from all over the world on that very same night, but in their own places. Because we believe in the power and importance of prayer. And if the power of one persons prayer can be enough, imagine the immense impact of the prayers of thousands, all at the same time. 

Of course myself and one of our other leaders had to snag a few images of the night to share with you! ;) And if this sounds like something you'd like to know more about, check out ifgathering.com or click on the IF: Indianapolis picture on the right side of the page.

We also have an event coming up in February that will blow your mind!

Here's the link to last years event to get a better idea of what's coming! IF:Gathering 2015

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